Secondary Frac Pit Liners

Hydraulic Fracturing also known as hydrofracking or fracking, as they say is the new gold in the market, sometimes referred to as black gold.

Secondary Frac Pit
Secondary Frac Pit

The advancement of hydrofracking technology has resulted in the increasing number of fracking sites all over the US, especially in the Marcellus Shale formation area. With this technological advancement comes a big controversy and great concern on its impact to the environment, most especially to the ground water.

Safety precaution is a top priority in the fracking industry. With the flowback being a mixture of oil, water and some sediment, on top of its chemical additives, environmental agencies and representatives are keeping a close eye on the frac pads or frac pit reservoirs where the flowback is being stored. A frac pad liner is a requirement and often comes with a secondary containment frac pad liner to make sure that no seepage of such contaminants will happen. Although most of the time, the primary frac pad containment liner will suffice, many fracking installers are required to use a secondary frac pad containment liner. The secondary frac pit containment liner is utilized to make sure that certain safety guidelines are being met, and will give you the assurance that no flowback will permeate into the ground.

Western Environmental Liner has been serving some of the biggest fracking turnkey installers in the industry, providing primary containment and secondary containment for frac pads. We offer great value and cost-effective materials for secondary containment of flowback in pit liners or reservoirs. Our Aqua series of woven coated reinforced polyethylene (RPE) is a great material for a secondary containment liner. RPE consists of high density polyethylene scrim coated with a low density polyethylene coating, making it durable and impermeable to some chemicals and contaminants contained in a flowback in a reasonable amount of time.

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The aqua series has excellent tear resistance and good UV resistance. RPE comes in various thicknesses, from 12-mil to 30-mil and is very easy to heat weld together. Our multiple factories located in Tolleson, AZ, Romulus, NY and Great Bend, KS allow us to custom-fabricate your secondary containment pit liner into whatever size and shape you need. Being in the industry for over 30 years give you the assurance that we are able to efficiently deliver your frac pad liner need in a reasonable short amount of time. The RPE aqua series normally comes in 12-ft rolls but Western Environmental Liner has the capability of fabricating it to the size you need, making sure that you save time and money in the installation process. These liners are fabricated for your convenient installation.

Western Environmental liner can guide you and provide you the tools you need, such as portable hot air guns or floor welders and how-to manuals and videos on top of our expert advice. Please don’t hesitate to contact us today via e-mail, phone or our website for your frac pad secondary containment liner needs and one of our liner specialists will be happy to assist you.

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