Frac Pit Liners
Frac Pit & Pad liners are most often used specifically for the fracking industry for either protection against spills or for containing water that is used in the Fracking process.
Understanding which pit liner is the best option normally has to do with understanding the properties of the liquid it will be containing and if it will be for short term or long term. Frac Pit and Pad liners are normally short term, six months or less. A special type of slip resistant liner may be needed for safety reasons. Western Environmental Liner can provide that as well if needed.
If water containment is the primary consideration for a particular pit liner, then a wide array of options are available. For pit liners that will contain water, the most important factors are the length of time the liner will be used, whether the liner will be buried or exposed to the sun, and how roughly the liner will be treated. Most likely Western Environmental Liner’s Aqua series of liners will be the best option for pit liners that will contain water.
Pit liners where the containment of light chemical mixtures of parts per million and low levels of various byproducts might mean that pvc or polypropylene may be the best option.
For high levels of hydrocarbons such as oil, jet fuels, or heavy levels of various by-product, or waste, Xr5, which has high chemical resistance to most mixtures, may be the best choice.
With the strongest levels of chemicals and hydrocarbons, Western Environmental Liner can provide a unique and custom liner solution created specifically for your particular application.
No matter which particular liner geomembrane is chosen, Western Environmental Liner can weld many pit liners in one large piece or offer turnkey installation with very large panels pre-welded in our factory to reduce field time and help prevent potential leaks from occurring.
Western Environmental Liner’s experience with many different chemical combinations helps make the best pit liner choice for your particular application.