Containment Liners

Examples of containment liner applications that are common throughout the industry are applications such as oil and gas, as well as chemicals, or other hazardous waste. Containment Liners can be used to describe frac pad liners, pit liners, transformer pad, or well-pad containment. Unique chemicals that need to do be contained by a liner are often described as containment liners as well. Tank liners that contain caustic chemicals or waste can also commonly be described as containment liners.
Pond & lake liners that “contain” fresh water normally not described as containment liners.
Containment liners help prevent environmental contamination by isolating hazardous materials from soil and waterways, thus protecting ecosystems. Additionally, liners safeguard infrastructure and reduce cleanup costs by managing spills and leaks.
Western Environmental Liner works with a wide variety of materials to ensure that whatever liquid needs to be contained they have the right product for you at the most affordable price. Reinforced Polyethylene, RPP, & XR-5, are examples of a few liner materials that are used in containment industries but are quite different in both price, longevity, and what they can contain.
Containment Liners can be broken down in two separate categories as well based on if the application is for primary containment (the liner is the first line of defense) or Secondary containment (used as a guarantee of containment if the primary containment fails).
Applications for primary containment liners include the lining of storage tanks, processing vessels, and pipelines where direct exposure to chemicals occurs. They’re useful for industries handling chemicals, petroleum products, and other hazardous materials. The secondary liners catch leaks or spills if the primary containment system fails.
Whatever description is used to describe your unique containment needs, Western Environmental Liner is there to lend a helping hand. Our containment liners ensure maximum protection and efficiency. From custom-fit designs to installation support, our services will ensure that your containment system is robust and ready to handle whatever challenges come its way.
Contact Western Environmental Liner today to help you with your Containment Liner needs.