Secondary Containment Application

An example where secondary containment is used often is during the process of fracturing, on “frac” or frack pads where regulations have been put in place to ensure that the soil will not be contaminated by fluids caused during fracking. This can occur when fracturing machinery or pipes leak or when gas or oil leaks from a truck.
Fracking pipes and machinery, along with trucks, are considered the primary containment of these liquids. Pit liners are the backup if something goes wrong with the primary containment.
Transformers used in the processing of oil where an oil resistant liner is put in place below the transformer is also a common situation where secondary containment liners are required.
In some instances although a secondary containment liner can be the first line of defense it can still be considered secondary containment for applications such as tank liners since the primary containment would still be considered the tank.
The same can be true for Waste or lagoon Ponds where concrete sometimes has already been placed or canals where concrete or shotcrete has been used. Sometimes these liners are put underneath, but they can be put above these applications as well.
Secondary containment liners often come in a wide variety of materials based on many of the unique applications where secondary containment is required.

Western Environmental Liner
Our company has a large selection of unique materials to accomplish the most stringent secondary containment needs and can also have geomembrane liners specially formulated for unique applications where caustic chemical mixtures need to be contained.
Email or call a 30+ year old secondary containment liner manufacturer today, so that one of our experts can help you with your secondary containment needs.